The QuarterMaster #1: Where to Begin?
So you have been getting emails from an online shop and perhaps you have heard how great there service and their slogan “Good Gear for the Good Guys”
Perhaps, like most of our customers you are increasingly aware that things are changing in our country and not for the better. (Not trying to fear monger either)
The logical sensible next question well what can I do about it?
Honestly: Having been confronted with such a question, it follows you need to know where to begin
I jokingly often say that the first thing I will do when I am Lord Emperor Dictator for life (LED4L) is conquer the world.
The first thing when you need to do when setting off to conquer the world is: A Map.
Now, for most of our customers I suspect this is not something that is on their to-do list.
So when seeing the decay in our beautiful country, the question arises: Where do I begin?
Fantastic, if you have not asked this question (most of our customers have) then well done!
Over the last few years, especially since the lockdowns I have found individuals shopping with us that, to be honest, a few years ago I would never have expected to. You know you can even insert your own stereotypes such as Wits students ;-) ;-)
These good folks and many others are confronted by that awkward reality called, well REALITY!
I do not intend to be satirical for the balance of this email: There are many topics that one need to take into account in order to secure ones families against looming consequences of National Decay.
· Spiritual
· Food
· Water
· Power (Angry Pixies = Electricity or Carbon Based Liquid fuels etc)
· Shelter
· Security
· Transportation
· Medical
· Sanitation
· Financial
Perhaps this list is not exhaustive list (sadly), but, at least we have a few criteria which makes for a more simpler/accurate place where to start, but there still is a ton of stuff to cover.
At the very very beginning you have to start with SECURITY.
Why? Because you are going to go to a lot of effort to accumulate stuff, and then be very sad when someone takes it from you. Most South Africans already are familiar with high walls, fences, and the house hold alarm. I am not going to bore you with horror stories of crime. I too have been a victim over the years. Most of the time it has cost me money, shock, anger and once a lot of blood.
Your plans to secure your family are moot if someone ignores common morality: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (It should really not be that complicated to not steal or murder you would think)
Think of security as a series of rings or layers around you. Some preparedness folks talk about layers of an onion.
The 1st layer-ring is around you as an individual. You will need to have certain mindset, skills and the requisite tools to ensure your bodily integrity. More on this shortly
The 2nd layer-ring is around your property. Starting with internal door, burglar bars, alarms
3rd layer might be high walls and fences
4th layer might be your armed response company (It should be the SAPS)
Hopefully you now get the picture. The rings around you will change if you are in your car, on the beach or at the office.
If you are prepared to leave your bodily integrity in the hands of say a minimum wage security guard or armed response officer then stop reading.
You are important and unique. There is no one else like you or as unique as you. You are important: If you do not get home tonight then there is going to be a family that will be sad. Very sad. Even if you do not have a family as in not married and no kids, there is a Mom and Dad that will be crying.
(If you think that the above does not apply to you: I will be dealing with that in a future email.)
Bottom Line: There is at least someone who loves you and it is thus in your interest to defend your bodily integrity in order to prevent the shedding of tears by those who need you and love you.
You as uniquely created individual have a duty to defend your bodily integrity and those for whom you are responsible for. Believe me there are fates worse than death: Dying the death of a coward (That is: Deliberately and consciously abandoning those you are duty bound to defend) is one of them.
So start thinking about depending your physical self.
Again, this can be easily broken down into 3 aspects of self defence.
Empty hands: This is you alone against the assailant with literally no weapons other than you mindset, physique and skill. Your hands are empty: literally. The best you can do is punch, kick, scream, bite and scratch. Do what you must, put up a good fight, and it is a good fight as it is your life.
Contact Weapons: Such like weapons you need to be close to the attacker. Which in turn means he (or she) is close to you. It may be stun guns, batons, knives. Certainly they are giving you an advantage, but the assailant is as close to you as you are to him. Not ideal but certainly better than empty hands.
Distance Weapons: This can range from catapults, bow and arrow, pepper ball and ultimately firearms.
Each type of weapon needs the requisite mindset AND skill to operate; successfully. Possession does not entail expertise. (Owning a Bag Pipe does not make you a BagPiper)
We at TheQuarterMaster are here for you: Good Gear for the Good Guys is not simply a slogan: Our gear has saved lives.
And that is exactly how we want to make South Africa: A good place for good folk to live and thrive.
God Bless you all and thank you for reading this far.
Camo and TheQuarterMaster Crew.
We offer a wide range of products and Advice to help you enjoy your outdoor activities to the fullest.
VAT No: 4840293080
Telephone: +27 87 056 3630
CommentsWhatsapp / Telegram 082 310 3708
21 Thornton Road,
(Corner of Thornton and 5th Avenue)
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